Lion King Kids Drama Camp Disney's The Lion King has captivated the imagination of audiences around the world. The African savannah comes to life on the stage with Simba, Rafiki and an unforgettable cast of characters as they journey from Pride Rock to the jungle.... and back again, in this inspiring, coming of age tale. Dates: August 5th-9th, 2024 Time: 9am-3pm Location: Root Elementary School Ages: Rising 3rd- 6th. Cost: $400 Join us for a week of camp where we will prep, learn, and produce our very own musical! During this camp we will act, dance, sing and even do some set and prop making!
Video auditions should be sent in no later than July 29. More information will be emailed to you upon registration
Although we will have a flexible schedule depending on the needs of our cast, here's an example of how a day may go during camp: Daily Schedule: 9am- Arrival and acting games 10am- Vocal work 11am- Choreography 12- Lunch and break 1pm-Theatre skills (topics will vary from rehearsal etiquette, to audition skills, to directing, etc) 2pm- On stage to put it all together! 3pm- Dismissal